Haydock High hosts an Anti-Bullying Week

Anti-Bullying Week shines a spotlight on bullying and encourages all children, teachers and parents to take action against bullying throughout the year.

This year, the national Anti-Bullying Campaign tag line was #powerforgood, which focuses on supporting children and young people to use their Power for Good – by understanding the ways in which they are powerful and encouraging individual and collective action to stop bullying and create the best world possible.

Below is a flavour of some of our activities:

Year 7 Anti-bully workshop

Constable Ledwith showed Year 7 students a video called 'Colour Blind'. The video was followed by thought provoking questions and answers to allow the students to empathise with the characters. This brought about some mature discussions, highlighting students' understanding of the Haydock Charter. Students spent time learning about the laws concerning race related bullying and hate crime. Students will be working in form time to evaluate the learning experience and there has been a follow up assembly planned for students to consider the value of forgiveness. This will be delivered by Sandra Morris, the pastor from Christ Church.

Anti-bullying fund raising

Some Year 9 and 11 students who have shown an interest in makeup art were given a work-related learning experience painting students' faces to raise awareness and money for anti-bully month. The students were extremely professional and showed fantastic artistic skill. Staff and students alike were pleased with the results; well done to all students involved.

Students and staff also donated money to see the Senior Leadership Team wear blue wigs for the day.

Altogether about £150 was raised. We can’t wait for next year!

Spreading the 'Power for Good' message in form time.

All form groups have been working hard to raise awareness of the ‘Power for Good’ message from the Anti-Bully Alliance. They have used important words from the Haydock Charter to develop work to be displayed in school as a reminder we are more powerful if we are more tolerant, supportive and respectful of each other. Each form has also attended an anti-bully assembly inspired by the Anti-Bully Alliance.


We care. We support. We achieve.

At Haydock High School our mission is to care for and support
each student so that they fulfil their potential, make outstanding progress and become successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens. We will be relentless in developing our skills, and work with our parents, Governors and wider partners to ensure that every student is known, contributes to our community and is
fulfilled in achieving their ambitions.

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Haydock Curriculum

The pace of curriculum change continues to accelerate, for example introducing a more flexible Key Stage 3. Our constant planning offers confidence for successful delivery and assessment of these areas.

Over the last few years we have been successful in achieving Sportsmark, Investors in People, Artsmark, Careers and Guidance and Healthy Schools accreditation. We were also awarded the accolade of a ‘Get Set’ school in the run-up to the 2012 London Olympics.

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About Us
& Our School

We are proud of our School

We take great pride in serving the needs of our students and are dedicated to each and every one of them making outstanding progress in their time at our school. To this end, we undertake a significant commitment and interest in them as individuals so that we can most effectively meet their specific needs. This care for their achievement means we have the very highest expectations of their attendance, respect for the school and our ethos, behaviour, happiness, fulfilment and academic progress. 

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Haydock Leisure Centre

Facilities With a £250,000 refurbishment in 2006, the PE department and Leisure Centre were refurbished to accommodate more people and classes, offering a wide range of activities to students and the wider community. The changing rooms are of a high standard with disabled access, automatic showers and private cubicles. Sports Hall The Sports Hall can accommodate the following: 5 a side football, whole Sports Hall Cricket, whole Sports Hall Badminton, whole or half Sports Hall Keep Fit and much more.

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