A School for the Community

As a school at the very centre of the community, Haydock High is proud of all our students' achievements, including the many and varied events which raise awareness of others' needs and benefit students and residents alike.

The Haydock / Cowley Federation

A Message from the Executive Headteacher

The Local Authority, Governors at Haydock and Cowley have agreed to a formal partnership called a ‘Soft Federation’.

A Soft Federation is when two or more schools agree to work together and are:

  • Non-statutory – schools can set up Soft Federations without having to follow regulations such as a Multi Academy Trust
  • Each school has its own governing body, with representatives on a joint committee that meets with Cowley Governors
  • Members of staff are employed at either school
  • Schools keep their separate identities
  • All schools share common goals; joint committee recommendations, but it is up to the individual governing bodies to authorise decisions/plans

There are many benefits when schools work together. The Haydock and Cowley federation will support both schools bringing additional opportunities such as:

  • Efficiency savings allowing more funding to be spent on learning
  • Post 16 learning transition –Haydock students now have a 6th Form of their own
  • Recruitment and retention of staff
  • Sharing of good practice and learning from each other
  • Curriculum expansion –more opportunities for students
  • More extra-curricular opportunities

The Federation will bring a new exciting future to Haydock and Cowley.

Cameron Sheeran
Executive Headteacher

A Message from the Head of School

On Behalf of all staff and Governors I would personally like to welcome you and your child to Haydock High School.

Thank you for taking the time to read our prospectus which I hope will give you insight into our school. I am delighted that you are considering Haydock High School.

We aim to create students that are successful life- long learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens. We want our students to be proud of themselves and their school through the values of:


This level of success can only be achieved when a strong partnership between students, staff, parents and the community is maintained.

This is an exciting time for Haydock High School. Our close partnership with Cowley International College means that we can share resources and expertise to ensure that every student fulfils their potential.

We seek to create an environment where pupils are happy and challenged.

We know that you will enjoy life at Haydock High School and realise great success.

Phil Abram
Head of School


We care. We support. We achieve.

At Haydock High School our mission is to care for and support
each student so that they fulfil their potential, make outstanding progress and become successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens. We will be relentless in developing our skills, and work with our parents, Governors and wider partners to ensure that every student is known, contributes to our community and is
fulfilled in achieving their ambitions.

Read more here


Haydock Curriculum

The pace of curriculum change continues to accelerate, for example introducing a more flexible Key Stage 3. Our constant planning offers confidence for successful delivery and assessment of these areas.

Over the last few years we have been successful in achieving Sportsmark, Investors in People, Artsmark, Careers and Guidance and Healthy Schools accreditation. We were also awarded the accolade of a ‘Get Set’ school in the run-up to the 2012 London Olympics.

Read more here

About Us
& Our School

We are proud of our School

We take great pride in serving the needs of our students and are dedicated to each and every one of them making outstanding progress in their time at our school. To this end, we undertake a significant commitment and interest in them as individuals so that we can most effectively meet their specific needs. This care for their achievement means we have the very highest expectations of their attendance, respect for the school and our ethos, behaviour, happiness, fulfilment and academic progress. 

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Haydock Leisure Centre

Facilities With a £250,000 refurbishment in 2006, the PE department and Leisure Centre were refurbished to accommodate more people and classes, offering a wide range of activities to students and the wider community. The changing rooms are of a high standard with disabled access, automatic showers and private cubicles. Sports Hall The Sports Hall can accommodate the following: 5 a side football, whole Sports Hall Cricket, whole Sports Hall Badminton, whole or half Sports Hall Keep Fit and much more.

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