School Performance

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KS4 Results 2017

Provisional Results for 2018 are as follows:

Attainment 8: 42.64
Percentage of students achieving a standard (9-4) pass in English and Maths: 55.2%
Percentage of students achieving a strong (9-5) pass in English and Maths: 26.7%
Percentage of students entered for the EBacc: 12.9%
Percentage of students achieving the EBacc (Standard Pass): 6.0%
Percentage of students achieving the EBacc (Strong Pass): 3.4%

Please note: The Progress 8 score is not yet available from DfE and will be published during the Autumn Term

Executive Headteacher, Mr Sheeran, said: "So may students have worked hard and deserve their successes today. This is the first year where most subjects are graded 9 to 1 and there has inevitably been some anxiety from students and parents about the changes. Throughout last year, we have increasingly focused on students' needs and challenging high achievement for all students and I firmly believe that this approach is the key factor in today's results, particularly the significant improvement in Progress and Attainment 8. This cohort have been super to work with. Staff understandably feel proud of them and their achievements today. My sincere congratulations go to those who achieved coveted grade 9s, very well done.

Among the students achieving the top grade 9 are:

Izzy Corfield: 3 x 9, 1 x 8, 3 x 7, 1 x 6
Katie Mitchinson: 2 x 9, 2 x 8, 2 x 7, 1 x 6
Tom Aspinall: 1 x 9, 7 x 8
Jack Davies: 1 x 9, 3 x 8, 3 x 7, 1 x 6

KS4 Results 2016

Progress 8: -0.67
Attainment 8: 37.7
Percentage of students achieving a standard (9-4) pass in English and Maths: 50%
Percentage of students achieving a strong (9-5) pass in English and Maths: 27%
Percentage of students entered for the EBacc: 9%
Percentage of students achieving the EBacc (Standard Pass): 6%
Percentage of students achieving the EBacc (Strong Pass): 6%

Percentage of students staying in education or entering employment: 92%


We care. We support. We achieve.

At Haydock High School our mission is to care for and support
each student so that they fulfil their potential, make outstanding progress and become successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens. We will be relentless in developing our skills, and work with our parents, Governors and wider partners to ensure that every student is known, contributes to our community and is
fulfilled in achieving their ambitions.

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Haydock Curriculum

The pace of curriculum change continues to accelerate, for example introducing a more flexible Key Stage 3. Our constant planning offers confidence for successful delivery and assessment of these areas.

Over the last few years we have been successful in achieving Sportsmark, Investors in People, Artsmark, Careers and Guidance and Healthy Schools accreditation. We were also awarded the accolade of a ‘Get Set’ school in the run-up to the 2012 London Olympics.

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About Us
& Our School

We are proud of our School

We take great pride in serving the needs of our students and are dedicated to each and every one of them making outstanding progress in their time at our school. To this end, we undertake a significant commitment and interest in them as individuals so that we can most effectively meet their specific needs. This care for their achievement means we have the very highest expectations of their attendance, respect for the school and our ethos, behaviour, happiness, fulfilment and academic progress. 

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Haydock Leisure Centre

Facilities With a £250,000 refurbishment in 2006, the PE department and Leisure Centre were refurbished to accommodate more people and classes, offering a wide range of activities to students and the wider community. The changing rooms are of a high standard with disabled access, automatic showers and private cubicles. Sports Hall The Sports Hall can accommodate the following: 5 a side football, whole Sports Hall Cricket, whole Sports Hall Badminton, whole or half Sports Hall Keep Fit and much more.

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